Gator's Dockside & Mickey Finn's Files

Welcome to our logo sharing page for Gator’s Dockside and Mickey Finn’s! For your convenience, each logo is available in color or B&W and multiple file formats. Simply point and click on the version you want and the image will open in a new window.  Right click on the image, choose “Save As” and you are done!

Please do not link directly to the images on this page as it is not supported.
EPS and PDF files can be used by most printers in place of Adobe Illustrator (.ai) files.

If you don’t see what you are looking for, contact us at 407.628.1772 or and we will be happy to provide you with a file or any other design services at our regular prices.

Gator's Dockside
gators_color.jpg gators_grey.jpg gators_bw.jpg
gators_color.eps / PDF gators_grey.eps gators_bw.eps
Mickey Finn's
mickeyfinns_color.jpg mickeyfinns_grey.jpg mickeyfinns_bw.jpg
mickeyfinns_color.eps mickeyfinns_grey.eps mickeyfinns_bw.jpg


Now, time for the Legaleese: Gator’s Dockside and Mickey Finn’s logos and Trademarks are copyrighted. All Gator’s Dockside and Mickey Finn’s logos are to be used “as they appear” and are not to be altered. Please do not alter or remove any copyright notice, digital watermarks or proprietary legend contained in/on any of the logos. Failure to comply may result in inexplicably choreographed gator and/or dolphin attacks next time you are swimming in local waters. tCreative, Gator’s Dockside or Micky Finn’s cannot be legally held liable for said attacks. Consult your physician first before downloading.